Senin, 20 Agustus 2012

Convert dmg to ISO

By any chance if you need to convert Mac dmg to iso in windows environment, then below method will be helpful. DMG is an image format used in Mac OS X. Windows OS and its most of the software do not support dmg. Once it is converted to iso then you can write it on CD or DVD in Windows.
We will use a small program called ‘dmg2iso’ for this conversion. There are several methods available on internet but unfortunately non of them worked for me. dmg2iso did the job quickly and correctly. So I decided to share it here.

How to Convert Mac DMG to ISO in Windows? Follow the steps

1) Download dmg2iso from official site here
2) Installation not required, just run the below command after extraction. ( Make sure to configure path in Windows OS)
dmg2img < Source file.dmg> <destination file.iso>
3) The original conversion with correct file names starts as below.
Convert Mac dmg to iso in WindowsAt the end, you will get a successfully converted ISO from DMG in Windows. This ISO can be easily mounted using any mounting software or attached to VMware or VirtualBox as CD ROM drive.

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